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The Library staff suggest you use Britannica School to search for topics at your level. Ask your teacher for the username and password.
Information on 'How to write a Bibliography' is below on the right.
When you play a Clickview video you may be prompted to log in - Your username is your school email and your password is your laptop password.
Britannica : Middle Ages - summary and facts
Medieval Life : from History on the Net
Time Maps: Medieval Europe - including links to The Feudal System, The Church, Society, The Towns and Everyday Life
Britannica: Viking - History, exploration, facts and maps
History on the Net : Vikings History - an overview of Culture and History
World History encyclopedia - Vikings - history
World encyclopedia - Shogun includes Timeline
Britannica - Shogunate - Japanese history
National Library of Australia - Life under the Shoguns
The History Channel - How Hernan Cortes conquered the Aztec Empire
Aztec history site - Aztec History timeline
World History encylopedia - Aztec civilisation - includes information on religion with links to other facts. Scroll down to the bottom to further pages . Excellent site
Watch this clip (6 mins) that has instructions on 'How to write a Bibliography using Microsoft Word'