Make Your Point by Sandy CahirCall Number: TR 428 CAH
ISBN: 9780864627162
Publication Date: 2001-01-01
Make Your Point: Exploring Issues in English aims to provide students and teachers with a structured approach to considering and analysing issues. The text is pitched at an introductory level that recognises the needs of younger readers. It connects selectively to relevant Outcomes in CSF II, Level 5, and other syllabuses, and addresses the strands of English: speaking and listening; reading; viewing; writing. The text addresses these learning outcomes by exploring important social and cultural issues through everyday texts, mass media texts, fiction and non-fiction texts. Key features: list of learning outcomes at the beginning of each unit, 10 Quick Questions to focus attention on the issue, Learning about Language-an exploration of language techniques, individual and group activities, end-of-unit reviews that include Problem Solving and Scenario activities, links to relevant and appropriate websites. Contents 1 Chooks and dogs, Domestic animals 2 The sun will rise tomorrow, Trust and friendship 3 White canes and wheelchairs, A look at disability 4 Kings, queens and people in suits, Traditions 5 Ducks, trees and me, The environment 6 Red, black and yellow, Indigenous peoples 7 Changing homes, Homeless people 8 Competition or play, Sport 9 Looking through time, The generations 10 You are what you eat, The food debate.