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Languages: Indonesian - Hari Raya

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  Hari Raya di Indonesia           

There are many celebration days throughout the year in Indonesia.  These celebrations vary amongst ethnic and island groups.  Although the majority of celebration days are religious (Animist; Buddhism; Hindu-Bali; Islam or Christian), the historical importance of  independence Day makes this day one of the most important throughout the year.     

Celebration days in Indonesia 

 YOUR TASK:    Hari Raya di Indonesia: ....   

Create a display poster or Power point on 2 important days or celebration times in Indonesian society. Include pictures and organise your ideas and content clearly.

You are to research TWO  Celebration Days in Indonesia. You must select the Islamic Fasting Month of RAMADHAN & another important day     in Indonesia. Select from the list provided.   

1. a)Give the date or when this event occurs 

    b)Explain in detail the significance of this day/time.

    c)Is this a religious celebration or a day of historical importance?   

2. a)Describe some of the activities or what the Indonesian people do leading up to the day of celebration.  

    b)Describe some of the activities or what the Indonesian peopleor what the Indonesian people do on this day  

3. a)Describe any special dishes or food eaten

    b)Describe any special clothes worn at this time

    c)Describe any special decorations used    

4. You must include a brief Reflection, include similarities and/or differences with Celebration Days between Indonesia and Australia.  

 5. Don’t forget to provide your Bibliography with more than one Web Site Reference for each Celebration Day

Use the links in this LibGuide as a starting point.  Other useful sites: Check out the useful links on the Library homepage under the reference button.

 eg World Book Online. Another useful site is 

We have a lot of books on Indonesia so don't forget to check the Library Catalogue to find some useful books on your particular subject. Look on the library shelves around the 959.8 area for books on Indonesian Culture or 641.595 for information on Indonesian Food, also Class Set 959.8 HUT 'Indonesia Unmasked' and Class Set 959.8 MAR 'Indonesia"

                                                                                               DUE DATE: To be advised    






Some Indonesian Celebration Days:   

Hari Raya Kemerdekaan  RI    Independence Day


Hari Raya Lebaran Idul Fitri    End  of Ramadhan (Lebaran)


Hari Raya Nyepi    Balinese New Year (Day of Quiet)


Hari Raya RA Kartini     Kartini Day (Education for Women)


Hari Raya Ibu  tgl 22 Des    Indonesian Women’s Day Dec 22


Upacara Pembakaran Mayat    Hindu Bali Cremation Ceremony


Perayaan Karapan Sapi    Bull Races Madura Island  







Hari Raya di Indonesia


                                               Hari Raya Kemerdekaan

 Idul Fitri




Hari Kartini


Hari ibu


       Ngaben di Dadia Dalem Prajurit ~ Culik

Upacara Pembakaran Mayat

Perayaan Karapan Sapi