Recombinant DNA Technologies – Producing Human Products. TechNYou - Producing Human Products Abpi Schools - Genetic Engineering
Cloning |
National Geographic De-Extinction Information (Highly recommended!!) |
TED Discussion Page: Is cloning animals and humans acceptable? |
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Cloning |
Bringing Them Back to Life by Carl Zimmer (National Geographic) |
Cloning Endangered Species and Undermining Conservation
Please contact Ms Cross or any library staff if you are having trouble finding information!
Parks and wildlife service of Tasmania - Thylacine
Thylacine cloning project dumped (ABC)
Woolly Mammoth
Cloned Species - Recipe for Resurrection (National Geographic)
Are we finally ready to clone a mammoth? (Discovery News - Video)
Should Cloned Mammoths Roam the Earth? (BBC Religion & Ethics)
About Woolly Mammoths (BBC)
TED Talks
Michael Archer - How We'll Resurrect the Gastric Brooding from, the Tasmanian Tiger. (The comments underneath are interesting reading too)
Brand Stewart The Dawn of De-Extinction - Are You Ready?
TEDxDeExtinction Playlist - Talks from the De-Extinction Series
Hover over the articles below for a brief description.
Bibliography Information Click Here!
TIP: Record down each website or resource as you come across it - save time later!