Use the template below to help write your bibliography or click on the link to see examples of how to write your bibliography.
Remember Mrs Powell wants a bibliography with this assignment!
( or is not how to cite these webites. One is a search engline, the other is an online encyclopaedia where you need to cite the exact article you used!)
Food Safair Episodes - each 25 mins, watch through the Library catalogue by the links below.
Dont forget the library has many books on countries and their recipes. You can find them in the Non-fiction section from 641.5 onwards.
International Recipe websites
All recipes : Recipes and cooking confidence for home cooks everywhere
Epicurious : International foods, global cuisine and recipes : recipe search and more
Recipe (Online world recipes resource)
Cookstr : Cuisine, recipes, nutritional information, seasons etc
Encyclopedia of Spices @ The Epicentre
Global destinations and International recipes
Whats4eats : International recipes and cooking around the world
All about spices : World wide recipes
Cultural reasons
Faith and food - the way to your heart
Interesting Facts about food!
Foodtimeline : Food history research
Map your recipe (This site shows you where your food first grew, the top producing countries as well as some other interesting facts.
Need a map for your assignment. Get one online at Mapmaker Page maps from National Geographic
10 Fun and fascinating facts about food
Use this database to find out about your country, its geography, the people, food, recipes and culture. The username if needed is ccblib, for the password please ask Mrs Powell or the library staff.
The Healthy Living Pyramid (Explained) Use this information for a basis for your own healthy living pyramid for the country of your choice