In this area of study students are introduced to the nature of ethical decision-making in pluralist society.
Ethical decision-making refers to the selection of methods and principles which guide practical moral judgment. Students explore the concepts underpinning ethical decision-making and various influences on it. Various approaches to ethical decision-making are discussed as well as theories derived from these approaches. For example, one approach may involve a conception of right and wrong as subjective, from which relativist theories of ethics are derived, which in turn inform practical moral judgment. Another approach may be to see right and wrong as absolutes, from which various normative theories are derived.
Key Knowledge
Key Skills
Catholic Essentials - Magisterium
Catholic Social Teachings
Caritas - Catholic Social Teachings
Australian Catholic Social Justice Council
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
History of UDHRs (Video - 9.30)
The Goldern Rule
Resource booklet on Inter-faith Dialogue and the Goldern Rule.There is now an Australian version of the Goldern Rule!
What does the Catholic Church say about your Ethical Issue?
Use the index in the Catechism of the Catholic Church to look up your topic / value / issue, etc. There are a number of copies kept in the Library at 238.2CAT.
Search the Online Catechism here.
Scroll down to: Part Three: Life in Christ (1691-2550).
Primacy of Conscience
Pope Francis Sunday Angelus 2013-06-30
"So we also must learn to listen more to our conscience. Be careful, however: this does not mean we ought to follow our ego, do whatever interests us, whatever suits us, whatever pleases us. That is not conscience. Conscience is the interior space in which we can listen to and hear the truth, the good, the voice of God. It is the inner place of our relationship with Him, who speaks to our heart and helps us to discern, to understand the path we ought to take, and once the decision is made, to move forward, to remain faithful."
Francis emphasizes a core teaching of the Catholic tradition: this is the sacred obligation of all Christians to follow their informed consciences.
Mercy Health Bulletins
Contains Catholic related perspectives on a number of Heath topics, including euthanasia, IVF, cloning, etc.
It's a good idea to determine and explore what your values are before makng ethical decisions. Below are a list of websites that offer suggestions, you can add to these if you wish.
1. Watch the short video and read the article here: MindTools
2. List your values, those that resonate with you.
3. Determine your top 10, then prioritorise these into orer of importance for yourself.
English - Issues Research (LibGuides Page)
Issues in Society Books: These are an excellent resource.
Some topics are available as online ebooks through our Library Catalogue at school. You may save the ebook onto your computer to read at home.
Ethics by John Roth (Reference Volumes on Ethics)
A number of cultures in the world have different values to our culture.
What happens when we disagree on some issues? Do we have a right to influence another culture?
Can you think of historical examples when one culture has influenced another with good intentions but the outcome has been tragic for some?
Watch the 'It's a Girl" documentary trailer below and accompanying TED Talk (11 mins).
Finish the conflict of values:
Cultural Differences VS ________________
St James Ethics Centre: What is Ethics?
BBC Religion and Ethics (UK)
Current ethics in the media.
BBC Ethics Guides (UK)
An excellent breakdown of major ethical issues.
BBC: An Introduction to Ethics (UK)
Harvard University's Justice with Michael Sandel
Introduction to Ethics - includes the trolley scenario and the lifeboat.
Ethics Resource Centre Glossary
Articles Concerning Ethics
St James Ethics Centre: Ethics Articles
Santa Clara University: Ethics Articles
New York Times: Ethics Articles
Human Rights in Australia
Articles concerning a number of ethical issues.
Australian Government: Genetic Discrimination
Examples of Genetic Discrimination in Australia
The ethics of genetic testing: Medical insurance and genetic discrimination (Nature Education, 2008)
Will we be tweaking our own genetic code? (BBC, 2011)
Genetic testing for depression creates ethical minefield (The Conversation, Article, 2013)
Genoism: "a fictional prejudice that exists in a genetically determined future".
Gattaca+powerpoint from Chantelleba
Opinion Pieces
There's no one gene for the human spirit: Gattaca: The Ethical Dilemma of Science
Gattaca from Philosohical Films
An Analysis of the Ethical Issues in the film Gattaca from Yahoo Voices
Study Guide 2 (only the first 10 pages are available)
Religion and Peace: A Just War
Just War (BBC)
Basics of Christian Just War Theory
Just War Theory (Philosophy of Religion)
Just War Theory (BBC Bitesize)
Smacking Ban
Rules of War: Chemical Weapons
Spy Leak
Drone Dilemma
Government Secrets
Animal Testing
Logging War
Pros ad Cons of Ethical Issues (ProConorg)
"An un-examined life is not worth living." Socrates (460 BC)
"What ought one to do?"
Where do you find Religion220 The Bible ~ 230-289 Christianity ~ 290 Other Religions ~294.3 Buddhism ~ 294.5 Hinduism ~ 294.6 Sikhism ~ 296 Judaism ~ 297 Islam resources in the Non-Fiction collection?
Branches of Ethics (Philosophy Basics)
Thinking Ethically: A Framework for Moral Decision Making by Santa Clara University
Includes Utalitarian, Rights,Fairness or Justice, Common Good and Virtue Approach.
Subjectivism (BBC)
Situation Ethics
Situation Ethics (BBC)