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Religious Studies: Catholic Perspective

General Information

This website is designed for students in Year 7 to 12 to assist you in finding information about the Catholic perspective on a range of different issues.

Use the websites here to search for information on your topic. 

Health Topics

Mercy Health Bulletins 
Contains Catholic related perspectives on a number of Heath related topics, including euthanasia, IVF, cloning, etc. 

Environmental Issues

Pope Francis' latest encyclical letter LAUDATO SI' on Care for Our Common Home

Catechism of the Catholic Church 

Catholic Climate Covenant Organisation

Catechism of the Catholic Church

"The Catechism of the Catholic Church contains a full description of the tenets of Catholicism — the essential and basic beliefs in Catholicism. It defines the points of unity for Catholics. (Click here to read the tenets of Catholicism in the Vatican's online Catechism.)

You may not read it cover to cover, but you'll want to use it as a reference for learning about Catholic faith." Quote taken from here.


Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), Simplified

Catechism of the Catholic Church (second edition)

Catechism of the Catholic Church


Your Questions Answered on the CCC

How to read the Catechism of the Catholic Church


Catholic Compendiums

Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church