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Catherine McAuley College: Year 10 Study Skills Sessions

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Session 1: Successful Students and Stress

Aim: To be able to articulate and recognise what makes a person successful at learning. To highlight stress management strategies.



Session 3: How to Be and Stay Organised

Aim: To explore different ways to be and stay organised and have students select a few of these as strategies that they can practice over this term.

Resources: (download below)

Session 2: How to Manage Your Time and Effectively Study

AIM: To explore current study habits and consider the aspects of study - where (what places are available to them), when is the best time and tips on how much, how to focus etc.

Resources: (download below)

  • Worksheet: Home Study Habits Quiz
  • Worksheet: SWOT Analysis of Study Habits
  • Worksheet: Study TimeTable Template

Fast Facts

  • Last year’s Library survey of Year 10-12 students the MOST IMPORTANT study skill students listed was – How to manage your time and study effectively.
  • Overwhelmingly, the student responses to the question ‘What are some of your concerns about school?’ focused on managing workloads and not keeping up with workload demands.

Session 4: What's My Learning Style?

Aim: For students to be aware of and explore different learning strategies through a learning style quiz.    


Fast Facts

  • There are many different ways that we can learn. Most of us have some strengths as a visual, auditory AND tactile learner… but how do we PREFER to learn? By finding the answer to this question, we can then choose study methods that are tailored to OUR  personal strengths.

  • Many studies have proved that our brains are NOT able to multi-task when we are trying to learn something new. Your brain can not multitask and adequately remember ideas or develop new ideas.